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 The Triad and Gaia.

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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

The Triad and Gaia. Empty
PostSubject: The Triad and Gaia.   The Triad and Gaia. EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 11:30 am


Most will say that Gaia is the spirit of over all good.

However this is a general description, one that doesn't even begin to describe the what or even who Gaia really is.

Gaia is an incarnate level Spirit of the Earth. Responsible for bringing the Garou and most of the other Fera into being, it is no surprise that she has been given her the names "The Mother Spirit" or "The Mother".

She has been said to be responsible for also bringing into existence the three powerful Triad Spirits. The Wyld, The Weaver, and The Wyrm. In the beginning, it is said that She existed within nothingness, but grew tired of nothingness. And from the darkness, from her will came forth the Wyld. With it, the birth of the universe. Raw energy, chaos and constant change were brought into being. But she grew tired of all this noise, and as if on her will alone, the Weaver came into being. The Weaver brought order and structure to the chaos and noise. But Gaia could see that these were two extremes of each other, there needed to be a balancer between them. And thus the Wyrm came into being. Consuming the things that the Weaver had created, in order to make way for new things, whiles at the same time returning the energy back to the Wyld so that more change and possibility could happen.

Some argue however that these three spirits were first, and that the first cycle was what created Gaia. When the Wyld spread energy into the cosmos, the Weaver ordered it, and the Wyrm consumed it; only to return it back to the Wyld. The great dragon had bitten down on its own tail, and thus Gaia was born.

What ever the creation story, Gaia is the spirit that nearly all Garou and other Fera turn to when in their darkest hours

The Wyrm

The Wyrm is an incarnate level spirit of the Triad whose original purpose was to maintain the balance between the chaos of the Wyld and the rigid order of the Weaver. By consuming the ordered structures of the Weaver, it would return ordered pattern back to raw energy, thus bringing everything into balance. But it is also believed that, It would also keep the balance between things via encouraging the Wyld to spread its chaos were things were too ordered and encouraging the Weaver to push order where there were areas of too much chaos. In this time the Wyrm represented decay, entropy, and most importantly balance.

However when the Triad fell out of balance because of the Weaver's insanity, the Wyrm too fell out of balance. And whiles the Weaver didn't change her original purpose (just how that purpose was... enforced), the Wyrm changed dramatically. What was once balance was now replaced with corruption. Places of the Wyrm with in the umbra, include places that are tainted with areas that appear as if they have been burnt down, contain putrid smell of decay and blighted almost radioactive green spots. However, they can also contain intangible "feelings", such as Rage, lust, greed, or an over whelming feeling of insanity. As the Wyrm's tendrils can get into anything, the over all feeling of "wyrmyness" is more of a psychic feeling than an actual tangible thing.

The Weaver

The Weaver is one of the great spirits of the Triat whose function was to spin order from the chaotic creative energies of the Wyld. Thereby giving them a form and function in their given existence before being consumed by the Wyrm when their time had ended. Thus maintaining a balance between the bedlam of the Wyld and the ridged order of the Weaver. In the umbra, the Weaver's avatars, minions, and marks take the main forms of spiders, insects, web like patterns over the Umbralscape, and the OneSong, the "song" that is used to control spirits, drones, and lull beings to the Weaver's sway.

The Wyld

The Wyld is one of the three spirits of the triat representing the forces of pure and unbridled creation.

The Wyld is perhaps the most cherished part of the triat because it is also the most threatened. While the Weaver approaches and forces stasis on the Wyld, and the Wyrm attempts to destroy it, the Wyld can only spin new ideas out to protect itself, then changes it's mind and makes everything the color purple.
The decline of the Wyld is linked heavily to the decline of the natural world. Very few places exist, in the real world or the Umbra that are heavily affected by the Wyld.
Changelings, being creatures destroyed by the Weaver (or banality) and the Wyrm (which is what the wyrm does, after all) are lovers of the Wyld, as it is the Wyld that allows the Dreaming to exist in the Umbra, and was responsible for the creation of the fae. The Wyld embodies both the seelie (light-hearted) and unseelie (nightmarish) sides of thier natures.
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