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 (Breed) Homid Gifts

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The Margave
The Margave

Posts : 34
Points : 98
Join date : 2009-04-23

(Breed) Homid Gifts Empty
PostSubject: (Breed) Homid Gifts   (Breed) Homid Gifts EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 11:02 am

Rank 1


This gift alows the Garou to become more persuaive when dealing with others, in such a way his/her statments and arguments are imbued with with added meaning or creadibility.

Smell of Man.

Creatures of the wild have learnd that where man goes, death follows. with this gift a Garou can enhance his/her own human scent, causeing wild animals to feel uneast and nervouse. However, the human scent also causes domestic animals to see the werewolf as thire master - an ancestor spirit teaches this gift.

Master of Fire

Werewolves with this gift can invoke humanitey's ancient pact with the spirits of fire. The spirits of flame agree to hold back thire hunger when a werewolf touches them, on masterting this gift they gain redused damage from fire - a flame spirit teaches this gift.

Rank 2

Jam Technology

The Garou can cause technological devices to cease functioning, albeit temporarily. It is easer to get a PC to brake then in it a knife to simply 'not cut' if the device has a spirit bound to it is unharmed. This Gift is taught by a Gremlin, a type of Wyld spirit that enjoys breaking things.

[last for 3 turns 6 reuse]


By staring into the eyes of a human or animal, the Garou can make them flee in terror. This does not work on Garou or Fomori, but they may not attack while this is in effect. This gift is taught by a Ram or Snake Spirit. This can be maintained, but the target gets a chanse to brake out each turn.

[6 reuse]

Rank 3


The Garou causes the subject to feel withdrawn and depressed. This is a 3 shot attack, If successful the target will be unable to use his/her gifts for a short time. An Ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.

[only effects gifts that need to be actavated, last for 5 turns 8 reuse]

Reshape object

The Garou can shape any once-living material (not undead) into a variety of objects - thus trees can become shelters, antlers become spears, animal hide becomes armour etc. The object in some way resembles the material it was made from. The item lasts until the end of the thread. A Weaver Spirit teaches this gift.

Rank 4


The Garou causes a thick opaque epidermis to surround him. The Garou is immune to fire, starvation, gas etc. the Garou can leave at any time and is aware of the temperature or oxygen levels outside. The cocoon acts as Armour, when inside the Garou can't attack or use gifts, the cacoon can be picked up/rolled around but is genraly uninpentrable. This gift is taught by an Insect or Weaver Spirit.

Spirit Ward

This Gift allows a Garou to protect himself spirits by performing a quick warding rite. The Garou draws an invisible pictogram into the air (1 post), which scares and unnerves nearby spirits (except the pack totem). The effect lasts until the end of the thread. An Ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.

Rank 5


This Gift allows the Garou to blend smoothly into any culture, no matter how strange or alien the culture is. The Gift will not hide racial differences (so you can't use this to sneak into a Black Spirial camp or Fomori pit), but the recipient will know the language and all the social customs. An Ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.

Part the Veil

The Garou may immunise any human from the Delirium for an hour. In this way, the human can interact with Garou without deleterious results. However the human will forget much of what he knows if the Delirium is induced in him at a later date.
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