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 (Auspice) Theurge Gifts

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The Margave
The Margave

Posts : 34
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Join date : 2009-04-23

(Auspice) Theurge Gifts Empty
PostSubject: (Auspice) Theurge Gifts   (Auspice) Theurge Gifts EmptySat Apr 25, 2009 5:03 am

Rank 1

Mother's Touch

The Garou is able to heal the wounds of others, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou cannot heal himself with this Gift. A Unicorn Spirit teaches this Gift.

Sense Wyrm

The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sixth sense, not sight nor smell; although the Garou is likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm". This Gift is taught by any of Gaia's spirits.

Spirit Speech

With This Gift can communicate with spirits of all kinds, this doesn't mean that they will want to talk to him or in the case of Banes, make any sense. Any Spirit can teach this Gift.

Rank 2

Command Spirit

The Garou can order encountered spirits, giving them simple commands and expecting their compliance. if the Spirit is ordered to attack then the effect only lasts for one post. Any Incarna Avatar can teach this Gift.

[5 reuse, the spirit departs when its order is done]

Name the Spirit

The Garou is able to learn the name and approximate abilities of any Spirit encountered. The Name can be useful for summoning at a later date. The Uktena Totem teaches this Gift.

Sight From Beyond

When danger stalks the Garou or monstrous events are in the offing, visions begin striking the Garou without warning. Her dreams are haunted by the visions of the Vampire Elder stalking her tribe; he begins to see symbols of the Wyrm wherever he looks; the sky itself opens up and shows him images of the glorious battles to come. The use of this Gift is probably best handled as a plot device. A Crow Spirit teaches this Gift.

Rank 3


This is the Gift for ejecting Spirits from places or objects, whether they are there voluntarily or bound to it. if successful then the spirit is evicted, of course the Spirit may not be grateful. (may not be used on Klaives)

Pulse of the Invisible

Spirits fill the world around the Garou, and none knows better than the Theurge. Garou with this Gift are constantly aware of all the Spirits around them and can interact with them at will. While most of what happens is barely worth noticing, the Garou will be aware of any dramatic changes. Any Spirit teaches this Gift.

Rank 4

Grasp the Beyond

The Garou may take things to and from the Umbra without having to Dedicate them (see Rite of Talisman Dedication). This includes humans, both willing and unwilling. The Garou just needs to grasp the object and then step sideways. Any Incarna Spirit teaches this Gift.

Spirit Drain

This is a blast variant that only harms those beings that can be designated as Spirits. It appears as a whirling vortex that literally tears at its target's substance away. A servant of the Uktena Totem teaches this Gift.

[ 5 reuse]

Rank 5

Feral Lobotomy

With but a thought, the Garou can devolve an opponents mind to that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence (when used on humans, fomori are already too messed up for this to work on them). this effect is permanent, but can be countered by the expenditure of post counts. A Spirit servant of the Griffin Totem teaches this Gift.

The Malleable Spirit.

The Garou can change a Spirit's form or purpose, changeing fire spirits to water, hostile to friendly est. The effect is permanent. A Chimmerling teaches this Gift.
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