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 Pentex (any Fomori or wyrm following Human/Kin/Garou)

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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

Pentex (any Fomori or wyrm following Human/Kin/Garou) Empty
PostSubject: Pentex (any Fomori or wyrm following Human/Kin/Garou)   Pentex (any Fomori or wyrm following Human/Kin/Garou) EmptySun Apr 26, 2009 8:16 am

Pentex is a Wyrm-influenced mega-corporation. Its ultimate goal is to free the Wyrm from its imprisonment and bring about the Apocolypse. As a secondary goal, it seeks to fulfill the Wyrm's role in the Triat and bring about corruption and destruction wherever it can. While many of the upper echelons of Pentex management are somewhat aware of its ties to the Wyrm, most of Pentex's employees are simply hard-working people trying to eek out a living the best way they can. Pentex pays its employee's very well and most are loyal to the company (as long as the paychecks keep coming). Pentex is a mega-corp to the letter and has many divisions; all of which specialize in different fields. For example, O'Tolley's is a fast food chain owned by Pentex that sells very minor "wyrm-tainted" food products to the population as a whole to make them overweight and lose ambition (its the emotion the Wyrm is after, not so much the people); this allows Banes (Wyrm-spirts) to feed off those emotions and grow in strength and size so they are better able to resist the Wyrm's enemies (werewolves mostly). While seemingly very minor, its virtually undetectable and even werewolves cannot discern "Wyrm-tainted" food from the general "Wyrm-taint" many humans emit from the large amounts of pollution and animal-based products they use. This leads of course, to a growing population of Banes in the Umbra, something no rational werewolf wants.
Pentex also has access to "First Teams"; specifically trained human soldiers (sometimes modified to be Fomori) who are intimately familiar with werewolves and their actions against Pentex. They are highly trained professionals equipped with all manner of anti-werewolf weaponry: silver bullets, silver edged knives, liquid silver grenades, and heavy-duty animal tranquilizers. If it is for killing werewolves they have it. As well as access to top-line conventional military weaponry. While not immune to the Delirium effect of werewolves, they are trained to recognize it and therefore do not react the same way as regular human beings; they are werewolf hunters and general purpose "troubleshooters" for Pentex when money and diplomacy are not enough.


Pentex as an umbrella corporation has many tentacles, each corrupting a different market sector of society.

Magadon covers Pentex's involvement in the medical industry, and is possibly the most insidious of the companies presented. Between the worldwide medical information network (MagNet) it maintains, to the 99% of its products that actually do save lives, Magadon has insinuated itself into the world at large so deeply that removal would probably cause more deaths than letting them operate. Underneath this tremendously appealing cover, however, lurk biological warfare research, addictive medicines, destructive counseling services, and well-hidden corruption. A rather extensive drug and chemical weapons selection is provided as well, a shopping list of Magadon creations.

Endron is the monolithic unstoppable super-conglomerate. It is primarily a petroleum/energy company. Endron makes fuel with additives that ruin cars and oil that leaks no matter what. Endron literally buys third world countries and bleeds the local populace and environment dry. It steals from competitors. It buys the patents for alternative energy sources and hides them from the light of day. It fails to maintain its oil tankers in an attempt to save money, causing spills everywhere. It searches for oil in odd places and comes back with... something not necessarily petroleum-based.

King Distilleries
KD doesn’t directly lace its products with formoral, but rather creates brews that get you a little drunker and act a little more destructive. King Breweries does everything in its power to increase its market share, from addictive additives to Enticer supermodels, even going so far as to create a false environmental group, AquaClear 2001. The Company buy-in to Pentex's plans for world corruption for one simple reason: if Pentex succeeds, King will be the only beer company around, and that means money.

Avalon Toys
AT creates toys laced with formoral that suppress creativity and self image. Also they support TV programs like Action Bill, a werewolf hunter. Most employees don’t know what they are doing.

Tellus Electronics
Tellus is the videogame arm of Pentex. They specialize in super gory and desensitizing videogames. However, the most insidious aspect of Tellus is the slow constant subliminal messages of corruption that it is feeding into the fledgling minds of children.

Black Dog Games
Is a World of Darkness evil twin of White Wolf games. They try to get people to loose themselves in RPG’s and stop dealing with real world issues.
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