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 Garou (Werewolf) Breeds

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The Margave
The Margave

Posts : 34
Points : 98
Join date : 2009-04-23

Garou (Werewolf) Breeds Empty
PostSubject: Garou (Werewolf) Breeds   Garou (Werewolf) Breeds EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 7:27 am

Werewolves are born one of three breeds. Most werewolves are a result of a human/Garou or wolf/Garou matings. The matings are usually with Kinfolk of the Garou, and in rare cases, a mating of two Kinfolk can produce a Garou.


A homid is a werewolf born in human form. Usually undergoing the First Change between 10 and 18 years of age. Homids make up the bulk of Garou in most tribes, the exception being of course the Red Talons. Whiles they have the advantages of being brought up around technology, matters dealing with spirit and the Wyld tend to be lost on them.


A metis is a werewolf born of two Garou parents. The metis is considered a product of sin and Wyrm tainted, as the Litany strictly forbids Garou from mating with Garou. A metis is always born in Crinos form and suffers a severe physical or mental deformity of some sort (with the exception of the legendary Perfect Metis ), along with being sterile. Metis are universally treated poorly by other Garou, if they are allowed to live at all. Metis undergo the First Change around 12 years of age, close to what could be considered puberty.


A lupus is a werewolf born in wolf form. Lupus undergo the First Change generally between 1 and 2 years of age. This dying breed has a strong connection between the Wyld and things that are based in spirit matters. However technological things are a bit of a puzzle to your average lupis. After the First Change, a lupus Garou no longer ages like a wolf, but instead matures at a rate closer to that of a homid.
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Garou (Werewolf) Breeds
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