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 Werewolf Tribes

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The Margave
The Margave

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PostSubject: Werewolf Tribes   Werewolf Tribes EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 10:17 am

Werewolf Tribes Blakfure
Black Furies

Black Furies are a tribe that, with the exception of a few male metis, are exclusively all female. And despite what anyone thinks, to call a Fury weak or to insult the fact that she is female is to for fit ones life. These wild women once only hailing from Greece, can be found world wide, are known for their ferocity in battle, their strong ties to the Wyld and mistrust that borderlines hatred for men. To the Furies, the Wyrm is likened to a man who is raping a woman on the corner, or the husband who beats his wife and children in a drunken rage. And the Furies will not allow this to be. Such actions against women (and children), are met with swift brutal punishment. Sadly there are a few fema-Nazis among the tribe, but extremists can be found in any group. Furies hold all things female with the utmost holy of attitudes. It was once rumored that the tribe only birthed female offspring, however in ancient times, sons were either killed at birth or sent to live with other tribes. In the modern world the former has but long passed, and it is common place for any males born to the tribe to be sent to be raised by the Children of Gaia. Oddly enough, this doesn't hold true for Metis. Rarely are there any female fury Metis, as they too will get the same fate as sons born to this tribe. However as stated before, Male metis, are accepted by Pegasus.

Historically, they have held most other tribes with suspicion, distrust, or out right hatred. The Get of Fenris, Fianna, and Silver Fangs have suffered the blunt of the Furies contempt, as they seem to represent everything the Furies hate. A bunch of drunken, chauvinistic, men who claim to be in charge. Everyone knows to distrust the Shadow Lords, the Black Furies included. And although Glass Walkers are see as useful, Furies are wary of these Weaver aliened wolves. And although Red Talons share the Furies love for the Wyld, the two tribes rarely interact due to their philosophical views on the world. The only tribes that seem to either get along or draw sympathy from the Furies are the Bone Gnawers, the Children of Gaia, the Silent Striders, the Uktena and the Wendigo.

Werewolf Tribes Bonegroles
Bone Gnawers

Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers are the two tribes that dare call the scab like cities their homes. However unlike the Glass Walkers, the Bone Gnawers don't have money, they don't have wealth, they don't have high connections. They barely have enough to survive, but that suits them just fine. The Bone Gnawers are seen as the lowest of the low among the other tribes in the Garou Nation. Seen by most as filthy cowards who would turn in their own mother for a warm meal and a change of clothes. However, this is far from the truth when it comes to Rat's children. For the Omega Tribe, a little kindness can go along way. Yes they are dirty, yes they are smelly, and yes they will most likely scrape as much money out of you as they can. But they are Survivors and they are devoted to their Kinfolk. You can count on a Gnawer when it comes to a fight, and they aren't afraid to fight dirty. You can rely on them for information, cause they have their ears attuned to the streets. And it is this attitude that helps them find Gaia in the slums and ghettos, hell it may be the very thing that will keep them alive through the Apocalypse.

Werewolf Tribes Chldrenofgaia
Children of Gaia

The Children of Gaia are primarily interested in joining together all of the tribes as one, despite the glaring hatred some have for each other, like the Get of Fenris and the Black Furies. Many consider them as well-meaning but naïve tree-huggers who talk too much and do too little, but of course that's not how the Children of Gaia perceive themselves and their duty. One of their practices is to teach humans better behavior to shield them against the Wyrm's corruption. Their reputation as being 'soft' is a result of this. This image of the tribe is the one thing that hinders the tribe the most. But besides their reputation, the Children are just as potent fighters as all the other Garou. Their access to a unique self-healing power especially makes them dangerous opponents. While they fight hard battles against the Wyrm's minions they also use subtle ways of combat. In addition, most Children of Gaia don't see fighting duels as a suitable way to solve disputes with other Garou, so their hesitation might be perceived as cowardly, if a Child of Gaia is challenged to a duel.

Other tribes therefore see the Children of Gaia with mixed feelings. Their achievements as mediators are overshadowed by their willingness to include the cast-offs from other tribes into their ranks. They indeed are the only tribe to actively seek out Metis and reformed Black Spiral Dancers to join them. The produce of a Metis is still a punishable law, so parents of a Metis child are severely punished (often exiled), while the child remains with the tribe.

Werewolf Tribes Fianna

Every Fianna has a story to tell and few can live up the skill with which twist their tongue, though Silent Striders come closer than any other tribe. Fianna lust for a good fight is possibly matched by the Black Furies, whom they tend to hit on at grand moots, and Get of Fenris. Even though they share kin with the Fenrir, they are on bitter terms with each other due to several teritorial disputes between the two tribes, and the tribes kin. For this same reason the Fianna have feuded with the Silver Fangs in the past, though as a tribe they generally respect the Fangs leadership and the honor they show to the spirits. The Fianna have warm relationships with the Children of Gaia and Bone Gnawers.

While the tribe didn't originate on the British Isles, they now consider it their homeland (especially Ireland).

Werewolf Tribes Glasswskis
Glass Walkers

A Garou tribe of the Western Concordiate, the Glass Walkers are the wolves of the cities, sharing that realm with the Bone Gnawers. Whereas the latter tribe holds the streets and slums as its domain, the Glass Walkers are in the thick of the financial and technological flow, fighting their battles as often with guns, computers, and bank accounts as with fang and claw. Taking the unusual totem Cockroach as their spiritual patron, though it could be argued that he adopted them, The Glass Walkers find themselves semi-pariahs among their brethren for their love for the city (and, to a lesser extent, for their affinity for humanity and its technology, which some other tribes proclaim as evidence of their corruption by the Weaver), but continue marching to the sound of their synthesized drums, confident that their chosen lifestyle holds the key to preserving Gaia.

All duties that the tribe holds are divided among the four houses of the tribe. Normally each house should be represented in each city, but if there aren’t enough Glass Walkers around, some duties are taken over by the houses present.

Werewolf Tribes Thegit
Get of Fenris

The Get of Fenris (also known as the Fenrir) is a werewolf tribe from the White Wolf roleplaying game World of Darkness. The Get of Fenris traces their roots to Germanic tribes and wolf packs of Germania and Scandinavia. They are known as fierce and unforgiving warriors. They constantly train in battle, duel, engage in survival activities to hone their warrior skills. Cult of strength and endurance is so prevailing that they prize every battle-scar and sometimes engage in ritual (self)mutilation to prove themselves.

The tribal totem Fenris, takes on a different role than said wolf takes in your historical Norse myth. The roles of the Jotuns and Asgard have been mixed, in a similar fashion to the mythos of the Space Wolves. Fenris is a major incarna, in service to Luna and Gaia.

They are infamous for the constant "testing" the other tribes of Garou for being fit for being true defenders of Gaia. In practice they challenge other tribes to duels and take over their caerns if they are unable to defend them. It was for this reason (or pretext) that they have been engaged in a series of battles with the Fianna tribe and were a primary force in war with the Uktena and Wendigo tribes and their Native-American kinfolk.

They are also notorious for being unable to compromise and prone to rage - the reason they are derided by other tribes. Also, more manipulative tribes (like the Shadow Lords) tend to think of Fenrir as of cannon fodder

Last edited by The Margave on Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

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PostSubject: Re: Werewolf Tribes   Werewolf Tribes EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 10:50 am

Werewolf Tribes Radtalons
Red Talons

Red Talons are the most separatist of the Garou tribes, camping in the far wilderness far from humanity, whom they despise. Red Talon beliefs hold that man, including all human kinfolk, is a "cancer" upon the earth completely corrupted by the Wyrm, For that reason along with the belief that humans have no instincts, the tribe only allows lupus members, products of Garou/wolf breeding.
Red Talons were instrumental in the Impergium, the forceful control of human populations through violence, some elders known as the Winter Council are trying to reestablish the Impergium. Though no one out side the Red Talons know about the Winter Council.
The Red Talons claim to have invented the Garou runes when their leader clawed the Silver Fang leader during the inception of the tribes, saying that the mark would be their clan name.

To the Red Talons the life of one wolf is worth more than any number of human lives. The Talons do everything they can to protect all wolves. However, because they reject their human halves, they cannot do much except kill interlopers.

Werewolf Tribes Shadolords
Shadow Lords

The Shadow Lords are a very political group of garou, favoring in most cases words over weapons. They are cunning and manipulative, and anyone who has heard of a Shadow Lord before knows this. They consider themselves the "betas" of the Nation, once following a role of counsil for the Silver Fangs. As the Apocalypse draws near, however, the Lords have since declared the Fangs to be unfit for rule, and are attempting to usurp power for themselves. This act is somewhat standard practice for any Shadow Lord in a given group; to test the leader to see if they are fit to be the leader, and if not, find a suitable replacement (which oftentimes is the Lord himself).

Werewolf Tribes Silentstrides
Silent Striders

Mysteriouse wanderers, tireless scouts, heralds - these are the Silent Striders. their roots lie in Afica and the Middle East, but they can be found nearly anywhere, traveling and listening. for these wayfarers, home is the open road. Their feet are lightest when on a path, whether it blown sand, concrete or spirit stuff.

Werewolf Tribes Silverfangs
Silver Fangs

The Silver Fangs are the leading tribe of Garou. For centuries, the Silver Fangs have assumed the mantle of leadership, but in more recent years they have fallen prey to madness and other defects mostly due to inbreeding.

Werewolf Tribes Ukenda

Uktena are said to be comprised of animistic peoples from all over the world. Most are of Native American heritage, though adopted werewolves are from a variety of backgrounds. The Uktena are a tribe of mystics, shamans and arcanists; because of their close ties to the magical and knowledge of the arcane many fear that there are those among them who may be turning to the Dark Arts, and their history of having their land gradually taken from them have made some of the Uktena very bitter indeed. Their main talent lies in the sealing of Banes, and as such they may have deeper knowledge of the Wyrm than the other tribes are comfortable with.

Werewolf Tribes Windig

The Wendigo are comprised of wolves and indigenous peoples of the Arctic and Sub arctic of North America. Unlike their Brother Tribe the Uktena they have not actively begun to include other cultures outside of their traditional Kinfolk into the tribe. As a whole the Wendigo tribe carries a grudge against the rest of the Garou Nation (of which they only consider themselves nominally part of) for the conquest of their caerns and protectorates during the European colonization of North America. It was this reckless time period that lead the Wendigo and Uktena to refer to non-Native Garou as Wyrmbringers. The grudge against Wyrmbringer Tribes can be expressed as mild condescension and mistrust among mainstream Wendigo to violent confrontation and guerilla warfare among the more extreme groups of the Tribe. Even before the conquest of the Pure Lands the Wendigo had a reputation as savage and vicious fighters; this has lead them to have strong rivalries with the Get of Fenris tribe who have a similar reputation.

They still claim Canada and the northern United States as their homeland, and are locked in the almost hopeless struggle against the encroachment of Wasichu society and its effects. This same tribe follows the spirit of "The Great Wendigo", a mighty spirit of the winter and the wind who takes the form of a great white wolf and aids his people in their times of need. The spirit is known to be a cannibal spirit, and many Garou of the Wendigo tribe are likewise reputed by outsiders to have a temptation to eat human (or Garou) flesh
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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

Werewolf Tribes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Werewolf Tribes   Werewolf Tribes EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 11:09 am


The Stargazers have always been outsiders to the rest of the Garou Nation. Unlike other werewolves, they seem content to remain aloof and solitary, joining pack but never seeming to crave companionship. They possessed no lands of their own, at least within the Nation's borders. They were able to wield serenity as a weapon and were more successful in mastering their Rage then any other tribe. Their awareness of body, mind and spirit gave them a graceful unity, one that they expressed both through their mastery of riddles and their specialized martial art, Kailindo

Werewolf Tribes Dragon-1-crop
Black Spiral Dancers

The fallen tribe of Garou the most numerous of Garou tribes, procreating often (and by force if necessary), and forcing other Garou to 'Dance the Spiral' in order to join the forces of the Wyrm.

The White Howlers were pictish werewolves who followed the totem of Lion. They were closer to their Rage than most werewolves, and and were respected and feared by even the Get of Fenris.

During the age of Roman expansion, the England was under mass invasion by the empires legions, the White Howlers pict's and barbarians however made the Roman Empire pay so dearly for attempting to push into Scotland that there push ended all together, and with the creation of Hadrian's wall the "United kingdom" had a firm border between the Weaver of Rome and the Wyld of the Barbarians. By this point the Roman empire had become Wyrm tainted and corrupt, it was common to find entire fomori cohorts within the legions, with the distraction of invasion the Wyrm's minions used the opportunity to reactivate several Ancient Wyrm pits in Scotland. Once reactivated, moon bridges were opened summoning all host of bane to devour the country side, perhaps worse for the pure blooded tribe of the White Howlers, more devious and cunning banes began possessing kinfolk during the breeding season,as a result an entire generation of White Howlers were born stunted, bestial men. And the generation after that were even worse, the White Howlers had to act or perish.

Almost the entire tribe Descended into the greatest of Wyrm pits, deep into the bowels of the earth and then the Umbra, none of the White Howlers returned.

No one really knows how the White Howlers were corrupted, the only accurate tale is that the White Howlers were pulled down into the darkness only to return hopelessly insane and sadistic, proclaiming themselves the Black Spiral Dancers
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