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 The Abyss - Rules and Realm Geography

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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

The Abyss - Rules and Realm Geography Empty
PostSubject: The Abyss - Rules and Realm Geography   The Abyss - Rules and Realm Geography EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 5:01 am

Geography of the Void

Like any rock on the physical or Umbral plane, the Abyss's walls are just as scalable. However, one is welcome to do so at one's own risk. Powerful gusts of wind buffet travelers and threaten to fling them in the great nothingness below. This realm devours all forms of sensory perception, wither they come from light, sound or even scent. If is foolish enough to go far enough, there is the threat of complete sensory deprivation. At that point however, they are lost for all times.

There are three paths that lead down into the Abyss, all of them aliened with vast networks of caves were nearly anything and everything lost can be found. Each one is lined with a particular kind of mineral that gives the path its name.

The Golden Path: Named because of the nodes of pure gold that line this path. This makes this path the most tempting to take, however those who wish to take from the path, as it were invoke a potent curse. To add to this, it is the most precarious of paths, lined with fissures, sheer drops and other obstacles. This is the deadliest of the Abyssal paths.

The Iron Path: The Iron Path, like the name preludes is striated with bands of iron ore. This path is favored by poor lost cubs that accidentally wonder about the umbra and find their way to the Abyss. It is over run with endless numbers of caverns, however these caves are almost always filled with stranded creatures or spirits who have gone insane because of the ever consuming nature of the Abyss. Rescue is possible though difficult, and is worthy of great renown by those who do. Of the three paths, the Iron path is the easiest to traverse.

The Silver Path: It is said that the Star Gazer hero Klaital took the Silver Path through and out of the Abyss. Most of the great totemic carvings lie along this enigmatic path. Silver taken from this path is said to be particularly useful in the forging of klaives. The Silver Path is more difficult and treacherous than the Golden or Iron Paths -- in its own way -- other wise more would be known about it. However, no two Theurges can agree on the precise nature of its challenges.

Into the Void. The Abyss calls to those who look into it for too long. Tugging at the emptiness in their souls, convincing them that they aren't worthy to defend Gaia, or that in the long run their existence is meaningless. Some shapeshifters, particularly Corax, have been known to fly directly into the Abyss. Those who do so ultimately suffer the effects of sensory deprivation as they travel deeper and deeper into the lightless, silent void. They begin to hallucinate as maddening terror fills their being.

Getting In and the Hell Out

Getting into this realm is terribly easy. Falling off a moon path, wandering off course, or even failing to fully cross the Gauntlet. Most don't even know that they are entering the Abyss until it is too late. Exiting the realm is much, much, much harder. One can be trapped in the realm for days following the many cracks that lead elsewhere. And even then, they must be free of any of the maddening effects of the Realm. Creatures suffering from either Harano (losseing the will to live) or a derangement find themselves in for a long trip unless either condition is cured.

Laws of the Realm

Like with all the realms there are things that are constant. A mix of the "laws of physics" to the realm as it were.

Anything without the ability to fly that falls in, is forever lost.

The Abyss is a natural magnet for spirits, thus amplifying the powerful summonings preformed in this realm. Garou performing a Rite of Summoning in the realm can do this with twice the ease.

A Garou staring into the Abyss must reach into their willpower least sircome to fox frenzy, if the Abyss has eaten away all their willpower, said Garou will attempt to leap into the void.

Upon Entering for the first time a Garou must test their willpower or surcome to Harano.

Whiles depressing, exploration of the Abyss can be enlightening, and revelatory. Gaining gifts and enigma knowledge can be rewarded from trips to this realm. However this is at your own risk.

Anything lost in the umbra, and not found by others, eventually arrives in the Abyss.

Any attempts in intimidation, gifts included work doubly well here.

No Moon Bridges may penetrate the Abyss Realm. This includes those created by the gift Bridge Walker.

Collecting Gems and Gold from the Golden Path may make one rich, however, they come with a terrible price. From that point on they will be dogged with the Curse of the Abyss, and things will have a terrible tendency to go missing, particularly things that are of great important. These losses can even include love, control, or even sanity. The Abyss isn't picky.

Using the gift Sense Wyrm is pointless in the Abyss, due to the fact that the realm itself is of the Wyrm.

Some gems along the Abyss's walls are fetishes known as Hearts of Midnight. Attuning them to ones self will allow the user to remove them from the Umbra, but do so at your own risk
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