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 Atrocity Realm - Rules and Geography

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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

Atrocity Realm - Rules and Geography Empty
PostSubject: Atrocity Realm - Rules and Geography   Atrocity Realm - Rules and Geography EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 5:57 am

Getting in and out

Entering realms like this is almost stupidly simple. Worst of all it can be instinctive and unwitting. Realms call to those who have their energies in them already. And shapechangers who are gifted with things like rage, violence, or thoughts of death and killing things are prime targets for places like this. And were there is a stupidly easy entrance, the exit is inversely difficult to find. With Atrocity, there is quite simply, no conventional means of escape. Moon bridges nor gifts allow travelers to leave. In fact the only means of escape it to take on the role of a victim, and be "slain" by one of the realm's emanations. You must feel everything the victim has felt, suffer as they did, not lifting a claw, a fang, or even a hand back to defend. Upon "death" you are mystically transported to another realm; perhaps the material world, or another Near Realm such as Pangaea, or if you are truly worthy, the Summer Country.


Despite it always being a rather strong place, as the world grew, so did with it the near realms. Atrocity was obviously no exception. However in the 20th and 21th centuries the realm has grown exponentially. Perhaps this is due to Amthelios appearing in the umbral sky, or as maybe it is due to the number and scale of atrocities that have happened within this time frame. What ever the cause, a place were minor banes were once an annoyance in an already terrible place, are now rising to a level that is a decided danger. Even a Maeljin Incarna has moved in, building a morbid "fortress" of corpses amid the widest of the pits. Here from the citadel of suffering and violated bodies, the Incarna orchestrates the banes into crude mobs, in hopes of harvesting the energies of the realm. Whatever the reason, Atrocity is growing. And it doesn't look like it is going to stop anytime soon.

The Wall and the Wire
Somewhere in the realm there rises out of the foulness and the rot, a wall. Made of simple black rock, it is like the Vietnam War memorial in Washington D.C. Strangely, the realm's Banes due to stay away from the Wall. Lists of names are craved into the wall, ranging from Egyptian hieroglyphics, to that of the modern fonts. Theurges speculate that these names are all who have been victimized or abused in the course of human history. Due to the infrequent number of banes that dare come near the Wall, it has been in the past a slight safe haven to the realm. This has changed as of late. Tendrils of barbed wire now grow up and around this wall, choking it about like metal vines. This Wire is actually an ectoplasmic projection. delineating the boundaries of the Dark Kingdom of Wire. This kingdom , like the The Lost Legion who line the Abyss's mouth, are wraiths blasted out of the Underworld during the Fifth Maelstrom. However these wraiths are from the Holocaust. Their kinship with Atrocity brought them to this forsaken realm, and now they cautiously explore and fortify their new home, whiles at the same time seeking out any fellow survivors among the realm's emanations. They have found ephemeral reflections of the death camps were they met their terrible demise. But equipped with little understanding between ectoplasm and ephemera, they simply do not understand why when they try to interact with the realm's denizens, they are unsuccessful.

This sober group is indifferent to any frivolous traveling werecreatures. In fact they are seen almost as just another little weird bane, whose only purpose is to torture and molest sense the time they got to this place. Hence it is wise to tread very carefully around those ghosts from the Wire Realm.

Breeding Pits.
Atrocity is realm were one's senses are super saturated in all its horrors. And while the stench, the sounds, the sighs and the overall realm is a terrible thing to behold, one must keep an eye out for the many pits were the baby banes call nurseries. Like little maggots they feed on the bodies and gobbets of flesh. And whiles they come in many loathsome forms, they often appear as mobile fetuses or maggots with human faces. Scrags and other large Banes tend the pits like doting parents, watching as larger banes cannibalize the weaker siblings and crawl out of the pits. At this stage, they go find a nice place to hover and feed on the psychic negative energies of a scene of victimization. (*sniff* they grow up so fast!) Unlike the emanations in the rest of the realm, all these banes are very real. And what they lack in power, they can make up for in sheer numbers. Killing these floating balls of suffering is advised at your own risk. Due to the fact that if the banes manage to kill you, you don't die. Instead, you are mystically reborn in one of the Bane Pits. There to be tortured at the hands of various banes, until you either free yourself (good luck with that) or (most likely) go insane.

Realm Rules

Emanations of the realm are ephemeral spirits can may not inflict or recive true physical harm. If "killed" by one of these emanations, Garou are ejected from the Realm. Garou can/will/may harm, (and in turn be harmed by) other material visitors, Banes and similar creatures.

After each atrocity witnessed, all shapeshiters lose a chunk of his/her power, what all of your energy is gone, you will be automatically and summarily "slain" then ejected by the emanations of the realm.

Atrocity tends to personalize all events witnessed, A Garou who frenzied and killed innocents would surely see this played out in front of them. Along with any other darker things in their past.

Finding any particular scene can be found here. The more it relates to the one who wishes to find it the easier it is.

The only way to leave is to "die". Moon bridges, fetishes and Gifts do bubkiss.

With one's senses being bombarded with horror, any attempts at perception are twice as hard.
Sense Wyrm can be used to find particular banes in the realm.

If a shapeshiter confronts a scene in which he or she is committing the atrocities, reaching into one's willpower and putting aside his or her rage to make peace with emanations, might cause the scene to vanish. This should be and can only be tried once, as the nature of Atrocity eats at one's willpower. The Rite of Contrition likewise can offer offenders a chance to atone to their victims.
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