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 Flux - Rules and Geography

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The Margave
The Margave

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Join date : 2009-04-23

Flux - Rules and Geography Empty
PostSubject: Flux - Rules and Geography   Flux - Rules and Geography EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 6:45 am

Getting in and out

As a domain of the Wyld, the Flux Ream is accessible from any moon path. However Spirits of the Weaver have shrouded the realm in a vast Pattern Web. Thus, finding the realm is very difficult; and once the realm is found shapeshifters much breach the barrier around it. This in turn attracts Pattern Spiders. The good news is that theses creatures cannot exist in the pure Wyld of the Flux realm. The bad news is that they will still attack those who try to break their pretty pretty webs.
Exiting the Flux Realm can be tricky and very difficult. Exits appear randomly, moon paths, Spirit Gates, or glowing spheres of radiance. These portals my lead to a variety of locations. And recognizing which leads were is pretty difficult.. Additionally, attempting to travel directly from Flux Realm to the Material world is fraught with peril. Those who fail to enter the right gate may find themselves in the Deep Umbra, the Mirror Zone, or even the Null Zone.
Because the laws of space and time are mutable in this realm, it's possible for a Garou leaving to experience a time warp, in which days, months or even seconds have passed.


The landscape of the Flux Realm constantly changes composition, colour, and geography. Generally, these effects are not severe enough to kill travelers (some Theurges speculate that visitors exercise sufficient unconscious control over the area to avoid lethal tectonic upheavals), but anything else is possible. Mountain ranges can rise, fall or flatten to plateaus; the sky can turn purple or be filled with seething arcs of color; strange objects can float or roll by.

Realm Rules

Shapeshifters in the Flux Realm tend to transform uncontrollably. One must recognize that they are changing to try and resist the realms' power. However, if the Flux Realm changes you... there is no telling what you will become.

Transformations within the Flux Realm are easy. One doesn't have to use one's rage to transform into any form they desire.

Shapeshifters may actually manipulate their local environment by using their Gnosis. Generally speaking, manipulations to increase an area's stability (changing a roiling volcano into a peaceful, grassy glade) are easier than attempts to disrupt it (changing an area into a conflagration or field of silvery knives).
No entity may be psychically bound or controlled while in the Flux Realm, and all entities entering the realm are freed from such control. Psychic control includes Gifts that induce such states, as well as vampiric powers such as Blood Bonds and Dominate, spirit possession, mage Mind magic, and similar effects. Additionally, mundane fetters such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and even codependency are shattered for so long as the sufferer remains in the Flux Realm. Finally, spirits bound into fetishes are freed, though ephemera are not.

The raw energies of the Wyld are extremely disorienting to shapeshifters. One must use their willpower against the madness of the realm or enter into frenzy. If this happens they will gain a derangement. This derangement may not be cured while in the Flux Realm; subsequently, the Mother's Touch Gift or expenditure of great amounts of Willpower may cure the derangement.

Knowledgeable shapeshifters within the Flux Realm may use large amounts of Gnosis to consciously change their physical appearance or body composition. Cosmetic changes are easy; more radical changes (transforming one's body to living silver) are very difficult if rare. The more radical the change, the more likely it is that the shapeshifter will suffer detrimental effects upon returning to the material world; some metis have tried to undo their deformities in this way, only to have their imperfections redoubled when returning to the physical realm.
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