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 Silver Rivers of Hell - Erebus Rules

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The Margave
The Margave

Posts : 34
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Join date : 2009-04-23

Silver Rivers of Hell - Erebus Rules Empty
PostSubject: Silver Rivers of Hell - Erebus Rules   Silver Rivers of Hell - Erebus Rules EmptyThu Apr 23, 2009 9:49 am

That was the old Hell. That was a place of mindless torture and
purposeless pain. There will be no more wanton violence;
no further suffering, inflicted without reason or explanation.
We will hurt you.
And we are not sorry.
But we do not do it to punish you. We do it to redeem you.
Because afterward, you'll be a better person...
and because we love you.
One day you'll thank us for it.
But you don't understand...
that makes it worse.
That makes it so much worse...

-from Sandman, Season of Mists, Neil Gaiman

Entering and Exiting

Erebus is never discovered by accident. The primary means of entry to Erebus is the Silver Road, a wide moon bridge. This road leads straight to the cavernous, dim Gates of Erebus. The Gates are forged from silver and black iron. At the Gates of Erebus waits the guardian, the great canine monster immortalized in Greek mythology as Cerberus. True to form, the monster has three heads and stands as high at the shoulder as a Crinos Garou. The beast is restrained by three silver collars and squats amid a ghastly litter of gnawed bones.
Cerberus embodies the Triat: of Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm, any of which in excess Can send one here. His left head is that of a Hispo with kaleidoscopic eyes; his center head is that of a Black Spiral Dancer Hispo, with batlike ears and flickering balefire for a tongue; his right head is cybernetic, forged entirely from black steel.
The beast does not prevent visitors from entering; per the myths, his duty is to keep damned souls in. Creatures foolish enough to attack Cerberus will provoke a furious response, and they'll likely join the pile of bones on the cavern floor.
Other entrances to Erebus are the Rite of the Silver Forge and the Dream Zone. Getting out of Erebus is more difficult. One must journey through the realm to the Citadel of Charyss, where an exit into the Null Zone awaits the traveler.


Non-Unfortunate visitors may also travel along the banks of the rivers to reach the Citadel of Charyss. Along the way, they will be tempted by Brood members offering them the Deal; they must resist these importunities, as well as avoid flying into a Rage from the suffering of the Unfortunates in the rivers. Failure to control one's emotions cause them to become an Unfortunate herself, and the Brood will swiftly descend upon that person and immure them in the rivers.
Once on the shores of the lake, a pilot-less, empty barge mystically glides to the shore, awaiting the characters' entry. The barge guides the characters to the island and the Citadel. The barge may not be commandeered or capsized; it unerringly guides characters to the isle. Upon arriving on the isle, visitors will be greeted by an "honor guard" of Brood and escorted to the towering Citadel.
The fortress itself is eerie and magnificent. Tapestries, trophies, and artwork of all descriptions fill the Citadel. Weapons and fetishes of great potency line the walls; attempts to steal these items earn the would be thief a swift trip to the burning rivers. Eventually, the characters come to Charyss' throne room.
The Lady herself takes one of her many forms (depending on her mood) and greets the visiters. She then asks them what they have seen and learned in the realm. (Anyone stupid enough to attack her in any way are mystically transported into a silver river, to burn as an Unfortunate.)
Charyss listens impassively to whatever the characters tell her and replies as she sees fit. Particularly insightful visitors might be rewarded with knowledge of the Rite of the Silver Forge; others will simply be sent on their way.
Following the audience, the Brood escorts the characters to a stone passage behind the Citadel; this leads into the Null Zone, from which nearly any destination may be accessed.

Rules when within the Erebus

Cerberus can't be killed.

A Garou who undergoes the Silver Forge will be known for thire Honor and Wisdom, if they return alive that is.

Garou in Erebus regenerate Silver damage as though it were normal. No Garou may drown in the liquid silver.

The guardian of Erebus forbids exit through the front gates.

Garou in the rivers suffer damage at the same rate at which they heal. Thus, Garou in the rivers remain perpetually alive and in torment.

The only light in the realm comes from the glow of the silver liquid, but it's enough.

Erebus is a crucible of the spirit as well as the body. Garou who survive Erebus forever be less prone to Frenzy. They still can fall to frenzy however.

Black Spiral Dancers who survive Erebus and are cleansed may join whatever tribe will have them, beginning their new lives as cliath of the appropriate tribe. All their Gifts and rites are burned from them, forcing them to begin anew, but they become full members of their new tribe in every way upon their Rites of Passage.
Because of the spiritual revelation they undergo.

The Brood and Unfortunates have a strong link between them; thus, no Unfortunate reaches the Silver Lake without being purified.

The glow emanating from the rivers evokes images of tragedy and terror in viewers' minds. These images solidify as phantasms, which enact the scenes as they hover over the silvery liquid.

Taint from the Weaver and Wyld is likewise purged in the Silver Forge.
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